Sunday, August 3, 2014

Drinking And Driving & How Creators Of Bus Wraps Can Focus On It

By Katie Arden

When it comes to the types of subjects that students and children alike will be exposed to the most, it's hard to deny the impact that drinking and driving can have. There are various dangers to be seen here and there should be attention drawn to this particular topic through various means. Is it possible that items like bus wraps can make this more of a focal point? Judging by a recent article that spoke about the benefits of billboards, I have reason to believe that this is true.

According to an article on CN Weekly, a winning billboard was designed with the purpose of driving attention towards drinking and driving. The creator of the billboard in question was 17-year-old Victoria Barone, a high school student from Shenendehowa, New York. The idea of someone so young creating a billboard like this is astounding but the way that it was created took my attention the moment I read about it. After all, execution is key when talking about any marketing vehicles, bus wraps included.

The article said that the billboard was designed with the word "intoxicated" showcased, the term "toxic" being highlighted within the aforementioned term. While this seems like a simple idea, on the surface, it does not matter if the message itself is effective and it seems like this has been the case. It's also worth noting that another student, of the same campus, by the name of Tabitha McGill created another message. The vehicle wrap featured the message, "your life is greater than that text."

These concepts are strong, which is a point that companies along the lines of JMR Graphics will be able to support. I believe that there is a tremendous amount of quality to consider when it comes to vehicles along the lines of billboards and bus wraps. However, there are other elements that help to make out-of-home advertising such an effective method for driving attention towards anything. Causes like these only help to accentuate the importance of this type of advertising.

When it comes to messages that have the strongest of impacts, drinking and driving is tough to overlook. There should be more attention brought to it and, fortunately, there are various items that can help to make this a reality. Certain items along the lines of bus wraps and billboards are tremendous for this purpose. Not only are they able to catch the attention of the general public easier but, when constructed well, their potential is a difficult point to estimate.

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