The beginning of a new semester is a time where you get to analyze your experience in school so far and make changes that will help you become a better student. While a large portion of the learning you do in college has to do with your courses and major, there is also a great opportunity to learn how more effectively deal with the challenges you face every day. So if you want to have the best semester yet, then follow these tips in order to start it off the right way.
Plan and Set Goals -
Pros of Online Education - Cost is a big plus in favor of online education. You can probably hold a job, since you don't have a set class schedule. Factor in the housing costs you'll save by not living in the dorms, and online education is looking pretty good already.
Study Time - Once you have all your scheduled activities/events written in, schedule in specific times to study. If there isn't enough room left for study, you'll have to cut out some of the less-important scheduled activities (parties, dates, club meetings).
Technology - Learning the software and navigating through the course helps you build essential computer skills. Also, working on the computer lends itself well to courses in Graphic Arts and Web Design and Development. In-depth discussions are easier, since students can carefully craft their posts on forums and read everyone's contributions. Resources.
Day One - The key to staying on top of homework is to get started right away. The instant you get your first assignment of the semester, work on it that day. Don't put off your first assignments just because the due dates are a week away. If you put it off, before you know it, you will have tripled the work to do and half the time to do it.
Study Area - Another helpful strategy for homework is having a special "homework place." This could be a corner of the kitchen, a bedroom desk, a library cubical, or a deserted hallway. Make sure that that place is used only for homework and that nothing else will distract you there. This will help your mind get in the homework-mode. Don't contaminate the "environment of focus" with meals, Youtube, Facebook, or pleasure reading.
Homework Party - Finally, to spice up the study time a little more, try holding a homework party with some friends. Get together and do your homework, even if you are all working on different things. Distracting yourself is one thing, but the guilt of distracting your friends when they are trying to concentrate may give you the incentive to stay on task longer than you normally would.
A new semester is a new start, so make sure you begin on the right foot. Good luck.
Plan and Set Goals -
Pros of Online Education - Cost is a big plus in favor of online education. You can probably hold a job, since you don't have a set class schedule. Factor in the housing costs you'll save by not living in the dorms, and online education is looking pretty good already.
Study Time - Once you have all your scheduled activities/events written in, schedule in specific times to study. If there isn't enough room left for study, you'll have to cut out some of the less-important scheduled activities (parties, dates, club meetings).
Technology - Learning the software and navigating through the course helps you build essential computer skills. Also, working on the computer lends itself well to courses in Graphic Arts and Web Design and Development. In-depth discussions are easier, since students can carefully craft their posts on forums and read everyone's contributions. Resources.
Day One - The key to staying on top of homework is to get started right away. The instant you get your first assignment of the semester, work on it that day. Don't put off your first assignments just because the due dates are a week away. If you put it off, before you know it, you will have tripled the work to do and half the time to do it.
Study Area - Another helpful strategy for homework is having a special "homework place." This could be a corner of the kitchen, a bedroom desk, a library cubical, or a deserted hallway. Make sure that that place is used only for homework and that nothing else will distract you there. This will help your mind get in the homework-mode. Don't contaminate the "environment of focus" with meals, Youtube, Facebook, or pleasure reading.
Homework Party - Finally, to spice up the study time a little more, try holding a homework party with some friends. Get together and do your homework, even if you are all working on different things. Distracting yourself is one thing, but the guilt of distracting your friends when they are trying to concentrate may give you the incentive to stay on task longer than you normally would.
A new semester is a new start, so make sure you begin on the right foot. Good luck.
About the Author:
At College America, our college programs are made to provide the real-world knowledge and skills necessary to begin your career with a Degree in Business administration to start or advance a career in today's marketplace with a college degree.
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