Sunday, April 7, 2019

Important Long Island SEO Questions Regarding Written Content

By Paula Hess

Anyone that is experienced in Long Island SEO will tell you that writing plays a pivotal role in how websites rank. Without content, it's unlikely that businesses will see the visibility they're looking for on Google, Bing and a host of other search engines. Are you a business owner that has invested in written content, but isn't seeing the returns that they expected? Here are a few questions worth asking, as you may find the answers useful.

"What topics are best for SEO content?" It depends on the clients you're working with or the industry that you specialize in. Let's say that, for the sake of this piece, that you work in travel. Maybe you'd like to create content that touches on the best places to go on vacation, or perhaps the best ways to reduce airfare for extended trips. Whatever the case may be, you should know that there's no shortage of topics that can help create SEO content.

"How long should my content be?" You may be looking to reach a certain word length, when it comes to SEO content, but what will help achieve the best rankings? According to companies like fishbat, it's in your best interest to write more than 1,000 words, since this will help you provide more value. This is a stark contrast to SEO from years ago, when it seemed like 200-word blog posts did the trick. Rules regarding word length have changed, to say the least, so don't feel like you have to limit yourself. By offering yourself more creative freedom, you stand to create better content.

"What should I know about including links?" First, understand that less is more. One of the big mistakes that a business owner can make is including too many links that direct back to their website. Not only does this come across as spammy to the average user, but it can harm search engine rankings. Second, include links that are relevant to your brand and the subject matter of your content. This will help your work come across as professional.

"How many pieces should I regularly publish?" To get the most out of your SEO efforts as possible, content must be published on a routine basis. Specifically, you should shoot for anywhere from one to two pieces going out weekly. Not only will this help you provide value to your audience, but it will help ensure that your SEO progress remains on track. Failure to follow through with this endeavor can result in your rankings dropping.

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