Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Basics Of Search Engine Marketing

By Abraham Joseph

For those who don't know anything about it, Search Engine Marketing is basically the art of marketing products online based on the so-called keyword conversation. If that sounds rather cryptic to you, allow us to explain.

With Search Engine Marketing, you mine for keywords and then you can do two things with it. You can either you make a website and make it rank for your chosen keywords on Google's Search Engine Results Page (SERP) through a process known as Search Engine Optimization, or you can sign up an account with Google Adwords and advertise on Google's SERP.

Search Engine Marketing is basically about building web pages around certain keywords, making sure that the content contains exactly what the searcher is looking for.

However, there are keywords where the buyer wants to buy something but wants information that would reinforce his or her decision. These keywords are called buyers keywords. And if you target these keywords, you will make a lot of money. There are several ways to mine for these keywords. You can use the Google Keyword Planner Tool or you can use a paid keyword tool. You can also type in a seed keyword and copy and paste the suggested keywords.

But for us, however, if you really want to make money with Search Engine Marketing, the first skill you need to master is that of keyword research.

Buyer keywords are those search terms that have a brand name in them, for example, "buy Nikon 5900" or "Nikon 5900 review". To mine for these keywords, you can go to the Google Keyword Planner or use a paid keyword tool. You could also type a brand name on Google's search bar and take note of the suggested keywords. This can be a real life-saver.

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