Monday, September 24, 2018

Long Island SEO: The 4 Categories Of Content That Perform Well

By Arthur Williams

Perhaps the strongest pillar of any Long Island SEO campaign is content. This comes in a number of forms and they perform to certain degrees as well. Nonetheless, each category can lead to long-term success, provided the content itself is created with care. For those that are unfamiliar with the types of content that should be included in search engine optimization efforts, here are just 4 that you should be mindful of.

Press Releases - To start off, press releases are relatively common in the world of marketing. According to names such as, this type of content can be used for a variety of purposes. While they're largely used for news distribution, they can also provide useful tips and company insights, just to name a few examples. It's a simple matter of what the company wants to share with the public.

Podcasts - If you're a sports fan or food connoisseur, just to name a couple of examples, you might have listened to a few podcasts. These audio shows are not only great at providing news and entertainment, but they go a long way in growing businesses as well. In fact, there are many businesses that rely solely on podcasts, which speaks volumes about how big they are. They can also provide an SEO boost for those that know how to optimize them.

Websites - Of course, no SEO campaign would be complete without a focus on the websites being promoted. This type of content serves a bevy of purposes and many of the changes that can be made on it will impact rankings. If your site isn't responsive, it won't rank as well as you may expect. If there are broken links, progress won't be made until they're fixed. These are just a few areas that an experienced web designer can focus on.

Videos - In the digital age, videos have become extremely prevalent. In fact, it can be argued that they are the most consumed form of content in the world today. Videos are effective in terms of keeping viewers engaged, as long as the content appeals to them, and it will encourage them to return for future releases as well. Videos can bolster your business' SEO as well, not only because of the ability to add links and keywords to descriptions but the sheer traffic that high-quality videos yield.

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