Saturday, May 30, 2015

Why Old Wifi Hot Spots Are A Thing In The Past And The Benefits Of Adopting A Social Wifi Network.

By Victor James

If you have already decided on the type of hardware your going to purchase and know that its already compatible with the software your next step is to pick the best software to restrict content filtering, restrict bandwidth and easily manage your splash pages.

There are hardware providers such as Ruckus and Meraki that offers you built in software in their cloud based access point and controllers but they don't offer you the option to fully deploy the social WiFi media aspect. Ruckus and Cisco Meraki are great products but they work even better when you deploy a solution such as Aislelabs or purplewifi. Aislelabs a well known company in the Greater Toronto area works with a well known vendor

When working with other hardware vendors or deploying a non Meraki solution you will need to manage your content filtering, bandwidth restrictions and more by either a software application or a hardware controller application. The cost of a software application could be as high as $2500 plus 1 license to manage 1 access point. As an alternative you could use expensive software to manage your content and bandwidth.

Connectsim's software solution enables a restaurant or retail company to utilize their social WiFi software that works with their compatible wireless hardware. Their solution offers the retail or restaurant owner to have a fully managed campaign that takes care of content filtering, bandwidth restrictions so users don't burn through your internet rates.

Now back to the topic of other hardware you will need and licenses. For the social WiFi network you'll just need a WiFi router that is supported by the company and a license for each sensor. A sensor is also known as a WiFi router or wireless access point. The typical license costs for a sensor ranges from $25 - $50 per month. We don't recommend purchasing a router for a social media WiFi campaign. We strongly recommend going with a managed service program such as offering. The reason being is because you don't have to worry about firmware upgrades when your social WiFi application gets upgraded. You don't have to worry about maintenance, configuration or replacement. Connectim's offering will replace the device if it goes down.

So to summarize the hardware needed for a social WiFi zone depends if you'll be hosting it with a VAR (least start up costs and set up is fast), if you'll purchase the hardware yourself (needs a expensive controller, expensive router and extensive knowledge to set up). The last alternative route you can deploy is a cheap WiFi router but it will still cost you roughly $200-$400 to purchase plus licenses, as well you will need to purchase additional equipment to filter out content and bandwidth and to manage campaigns. The smart choice to deploy a social WiFi campaign is to select a managed service provider.

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