Monday, March 9, 2015

(Un)Welcome To The 21St Social Media Century

By Danie Zolezzi

"I can't believe he liked her picture!" I hear this exact phrase and the like ushered regularly. Young adults and teenagers are obsessed with all things social media. People have especially begun to normalize the act of "stalking." Why do we find no issue with digging into people's lives and discovering any and every piece of information we can? Simply put: because we can.

As a young, female college student, I am constantly immersed in several types of social networking sites. Stalking someone's social networking profiles before even meeting them is a common practice today. If someone puts something out there for the world to see, why not go looking for it? However, is it possible that there are entities stalking us back?

Companies pay especially close attention to their followers who mention and like them on social networking sites. So yes, they most certainly are looking at you. Organizations doing business well understand the importance that social media plays in today's digital age. Consumers are benefiting from the immediacy of customer service provided through things like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Although many companies are doing a terrific job of reaching their audiences, many others are still struggling with this task.

Many businesses will decide to outsource this type of work to a social media agency. Yahoo Finance recently released an article to offer some advice to aide in these types of issues. One of the tips in the article, titled, "fishbat, a Leading Internet Marketing Company, Shares 5 Basic SEO Tips" is "utilize social media."

Why is it that our weakest moments always outlive our greatest accomplishments? The public tends to do the same when a company fails. In a BuzzFeed article, titled, "19 Companies That Made Huge Social Media Fails" the editor compiles 19 of the worst flops in corporate social media. Ironically, if someone had been more closely been monitoring the automated posts, the whole situation could have been avoided.- Just remember who might be looking for you while you're innocently stalking your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend.

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