Monday, December 22, 2014

Discover A Simple And Successful Facebook Marketing Business Model

By Adam Khan

With Facebook hitting over a billion active monthly users, there is no doubt that this is the ultimate platform for not only communicating with family and friends, but also for promoting and marketing your business. Of recent, Facebook has become a good place for business owners and if you have decided it's time build a business page too, you'll want to do it right. Spending a significant amount of time and effort on this is worth because if done right, it can drive huge traffic to your blog or website.

The model is to pick a niche that has the potential for a large audience, like 'going green', 'weight loss', or 'women's fashion.' Create a Facebook fan page and a web site that goes along with it.

On the web site, you'll post interesting content in your chosen niche. This can be both original content as well as short blog posts that link to the original articles (known as curating content). You want to make your site the go to place for news in the niche. Set up a Facebook Ads "Like" campaign designed to get likes, aka, fans to your fan page. Target those with similar interests to the topic of your fan page.

You'll then post useful and shareable content on the fan page on a daily basis. This should be a mix of picture as well as links to articles on the web site to drive traffic from the fan page to the web site.

Your web site has two purposes - to generate immediate income via sales of products as an affiliate or via ads on the site, such as Google Adsense. The second purpose is to get people on an email list. With the email list you will want to send out three to five emails per week that drive people back to new content on your web site. This fan page has almost 6.5 million fans and is used to drive traffic back to the web site where you will find mostly Google Ads for monetization. If only one percent of the fans visit the site on a daily basis, that's still almost 65,000 visitors PER DAY to the web site!

Most importantly, do not copy what other pages are doing. Use your page the way you would like and make it your own. The more unique, interesting and creative it is, the more chances you have of gaining more followers and eventually driving traffic to your site.

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