Monday, March 26, 2018

When Sales Are Down, Try Unique Marketing Giveaways

By Janet Morgan

While there are many promotional tactics that appear to be safe choices, some of these may not leave much of an impression on the recipient. Businesses that want to stand apart should consider thinking outside of the box but finding something that is congruent with the needs of the recipient. Many business owners are venturing out to navigate the many unique marketing giveaways that are likely to bring a return.

One of those factors is that more people are relying on technology to get through the day. Some may even find that their customers seldom make a move without their smartphone. So chances are strong that they will have little need for a bulky desk calendar unless it is known that they love animals or pictures of landscapes.

What many businesses and individuals look for are items that will bring some real value to their lives. Unless someone likes to collect kitsch, cute disposables are likely to get passed down to their kids, or the family pet as a chew toy. If the target recipient spends most of their time in an office, functional devices that are small, save time, or are portable are the best choices.

One idea would be to start a cross promotion campaign with an alliance that is seeking to achieve similar goals. This may be to grow a customer base or increase sales within a defined time span. If a brand has a particularly strong reputation, this can be helpful when comes to introducing a new company to a different audience.

When freebies are used as part of a marketing campaign, this can be paired with another product that has varied uses. Or, it may be used to introduce a shopper rewards program where a purchase is required to receive a future discount. Many online merchants find this is effective with digital products that do not move quickly.

One trend that is growing sales is event marketing. By creating an exclusive event that is reserved for those in a special group, like rewards customers, these can drive sales on items that are not yet ready for inventory removal. This method is also successful for approaching companies that are new to the area.

Events do not have to be live, either, as some virtual sales work best when customers have access to a personal email or smartphone app that sends alerts. When novices start an email or mobile marketing campaign, sometimes they leave out important details of the event such as deep discounts on popular items. If there are recurring sales, it helps to not center around a theme or time of year.

There is a lot for a business to gain from having a giveaway that not only offers clients something to look forward to but can be a teaching tool. Some answers do not always lead to simple solutions, as more research may be required. A lot of business owners find that major changes may be necessary but are grateful for the numbers so they will know in which direction to turn.

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