Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Facebook Engagement & 3 Tips Courtesy Of An Online Marketing Firm

By Robbie Sutter

Facebook engagement is important, to say the least, but I feel like this is especially true in this day and age. Keep in mind that Facebook, as of late, has been cutting back on its organic reach, which has led to a number of companies crying foul on the matter. This does not mean, though, that Facebook engagement is a lost concept. If you would like help on the matter, here are 3 strong tips that any online marketing firm would be able to agree with.

1. Understand that Facebook recognizes certain aspects of posts. For example, let's say that you put up a post featuring an infographic and ten people like and comment on it within an hour. What this tells Facebook is that there is a given audience that is interested in your content, which means that it will be more visible as a result. One of the reasons why many companies are failing, in this regard, is because people either do not know about your content or simply do not care.

2. Share out relevant content. If you are in charge of a business and you are putting forth content that people do not find useful, it is understandable that you will see less engagement. Fortunately, an online marketing firm will be able to help you in this regard, not only helping to craft content but do so in a scheduled manner. Firms along the lines of fishbat understand that the average user can only digest so much, which means that it is important to space out what is eventually showcased.

3. If you have the ability, as well as the resources, try to host a weekly contest for fans to become engaged in. This works especially well for companies that offer tangible goods like clothing. In any event, there is a level of popularity to consider when it comes to contests that allow for one fan a week to be showcased on a company's Facebook page. This is where publicity can come into play, which is an appealing prospect that any online marketing firm can offer.

With these tips in mind, isn't it obvious why Facebook engagement is such a crucial component of social media use in business? Facebook is often viewed as the greatest networking platform and, as a result, businesses would be wise to put it to use. If a brand would like to gain as much publicity as possible, it has to be shown through Facebook. The rules of engagement, on this particular, have changed and certain methods have to be utilized in order to coincide with the aforementioned shift.

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