Sunday, June 8, 2014

What Is The Importance Of Social Signals For Search Engine Optimization?

By Bilal Amed

Social media is usually overlooked by SEO professionals. However, it is possible to get your site to rank higher in search results thanks to your activity on social media. Search engines are always looking for innovative ways to index and rank websites and it seems that social media is now taken into consideration. An SEO experiment was conducted to determine how social signs impact rankings. A website that gained a hundred of followers on Google + saw its ranking increase by a little over 14%. Receiving 300 Google + votes caused a site's ranking to increase by almost 10%.

Other social media platforms have an impact on ranking. A site was mentioned in 500 tweets and its ranking went up by almost 3%. Receiving 70 shares on Facebook and 50 likes caused a site's ranking to go up by almost 7%. These numbers can seem negligible, but social signs could actually have a significant impact on the ranking of your site over the long term. You will probably get more shares, likes or followers over the time and your ranking will slowly but surely go up as you develop your presence on social media.

1. The world is making more use of social media websites, and kids today are tomorrow%u2019s consumers. There is a whole generation that is being raised using social media websites like Facebook, Google ,Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. So as this generation ages, there will be more consumers who will spend more time on social media channels. Therefore, the likelihood of a significant increase in social signals is predicted by consumers who will interact with their favorite brands on the internet. People today already spend a considerable amount of time in social networks than search engines, this gap will only continue to grow.

2. Most people online today are more likely to trust a website that is personally recommended by their friends and family rather than by a search engine. Most websites with a strong social presence are easier to share and more accessible, so they get recommended often. A search engine can also help the site by analyzing these shares as recommendations, which will boost the sites credibility and rankings.

3. Another main reason is that websites with a strong social presence will have a better conversion rate and brand loyalty than sites that don%u2019t. A better conversion rate translates to more sales and referrals, perhaps even by word of mouth, a greater brand awareness, positive reviews and inbound links.

You can join several social media platforms and let your audience know about these official pages. You should be able to connect with your clients on social media if you share quality content and give your followers the possibility to share their comments or complaints with you.

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