Saturday, April 21, 2018

Technical Issues That Hinder Long Island SEO

By Rob Sutter

For those that understand search engine optimization, you know that there are many pieces that make up the bigger picture. If even one of these pieces is out of alignment, it can result in a number of technical errors. These can impact everything from content to websites, which any Long Island SEO specialist can attest. For a better understanding of the specific errors to be mindful of, keep these in the back of your mind.

When it comes to technical errors on the Long Island SEO front, duplicate content is a great place to begin. For those that don't know, duplicate content is material that's lifted from one site and placed on another. This is no different from plagiarism, which you have most likely been lectured on in school. Don't outright copy what you find, as this can harm your rankings. Take a more careful approach to your content creation efforts.

Another technical issue to be mindful of is load times, slow ones to be more exact. Have you ever visited a website, only for it to operate so slowly that you feel inclined to click away? When this problem occurs, it can adversely impact how well a site ranks, which means that the site itself must be properly optimized. If it takes less than three seconds for a site to fully load, you can rest easy knowing that it will engage visitors at the onset.

Reputable authorities on marketing like can also tell you that numerous redirects can negatively impact how well a site ranks. To expand on this, let's say that you deleted a page from your site without changing the corresponding links. These will direct visitors to 404 error pages, which can harm SEO rankings further. Make sure that you examine all your clicks when making huge website changes so that said errors don't occur.

As you can see, there are quite a few technical errors that can hinder SEO matters. This doesn't mean that they have to persist, however, as there are many ways that you can correct them. By focusing on abnormalities early, you will be able to take the necessary steps to correct them. Ergo, you will improve the overall performance of your website, which will go a long way in terms of rankings and success in general.

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